Making a list worked really well last month, so here we go again =)
Here's a quick recap of last month's goals:
1. Stash Bee. I got this done early in the month and even got a second one finished and off (blogged here.)
2. Primary Bee. Sarah finished the Bento Box Block for Sunshine and it turned out really cute. She still has to do the second one. Once she does, we'll be all caught up for a couple of months since her month is May and I posted the tutorial for her block yesterday.
3. Costumes. I'm really close to a finish for this one. Still only have the ruffles cut for Sarah's, but the other two dresses are done. Have I mentioned that I really DON'T like ruffles?
4. ALOYF. I barely squeaked in under the timer on this one this month, but I got all the blocks done for the Hello Handsome top (blogged here.)
5. SLSB. I really enjoyed participating in this quilt along and actually kept up right to the very end. It is now basted and I've got the first stage of quilting done. Here's a sneak preview
6. Photo Challenge. I think I give up on this. It still doesn't capture my interest no matter how much I want it to.
7. Spring Cleaning 365. I did better with this month's challenges, but I'm still not checking in regularly. I got a bit done; I just didn't share.
8. Swaps. I got my Kate Spain charms off with time to spare, but there was a mix-up with the post office and I had to send them a second time ... I got the recipes done and set aside for the Vintage Recipe swap, but I haven't finished the project I'm making for my partner. I hope to finish that this week and get it off to Australia.
9. Misc. Projects. My mason jar cozies are in exactly the same state as my first post, I didn't touch my minis, but I did play with the 30's prints for the Vintage Recipe swap.
And now for April ... dun, dun, dun ...
1. Stash Bee. This month Vickie requested this fun imrpov block. I can't wait to tackle it ...

3. ALOYF. This month I'm focusing on the quilting for Sam's Trek Quilt.
4. Costumes/Play. The final performance of the play is May 1, so I know I'll get this done one way or another =)
5. Modern Traditional Challenge. I read about this challenge a couple of days ago from the Timeless Treasures/Dear Stella blog (here.) I usually read about these and wish I could whip something up, then move on with my real life. Because this only requires me to do a mini (20" x 20") I'm going to give this an honest go 'round.
6. Swaps & Misc. Projects. I'm not doing any new swaps this month since I'm really focusing on the challenge and Sam's quilt for ALOYF. I'm keeping my smaller projects (mason jar cozies, table runner, minis) nearby just in case I find the time or inspiration to take them on.
Best of luck with your goals!